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The first step to becoming a member is filling out this membership application!

Becoming and maintaining active membership in AMSA requirements: 

  • Completing the membership application located above.

  • Attend an interview with our Recruitment Officers. 

    • You will learn more about AMSA and have an opportunity to ask your questions directly.​

  • Become a national and local AMSA member (click here for more information) to gain access to our website. 

  • Attend all general meetings (1 meeting/month).

  • Request Membership in the UNLV Involvement Center

  • Complete at least 15 hours OR 8 unique events per semester.

    • 1 Humanitarian event/semester

    • 1 Fundraiser event/semester

    • 1 Physician Shadowing event/semester

    • 1 Professional Development event/semester

    • 1 Wellness/semester

    • 1 Recruitment event/semester

  • NO GPA requirement & NO Class Standing requirement.

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